◇ The Delegation of Munich Confucius Institute Completed the Visit to China Successfully


TheDelegationof Munich ConfuciusInstituteCompletedthe Visit to China Successfully

From28thOctober, 2017 to4thDecember, 2017, Beijing time, after completing their exchange activities in Beijing and Shanghaisatisfactorily,the delegation of visitingChina which included German presidents of Munich Confucius Institute went backto German successfully.

The eventwas mainlyheldby both Munich ConfuciusInstitute and BFSU ConfuciusInstitute Officeand undertaken by ForeignLanguage Teaching and Research Press.Meanwhile,it received the sponsor and support fromConfucius Institute Headquarters/Hanban.

There are 12peoplein the delegation which includes 10 presidentsfromseveral vocational schoolsinBavaria, 1German delegateand 1 leading teacher of Munich ConfuciusInstitute.

Theexchangeactivity in Beijing is mainlyto visitFLTRP、BFSU and Beijing TransportationVocational School.

Onthe afternoon of29thOctober,the delegation visitedFLTRP anddiscussed with Vocational Education publishing branch and Comprehensive Language publishing branch deeply onthe publishing of Chinese and German vocational textbooks,cultivating of talents and training of teachers. Both of them arelooking forward tomore diversified cooperation in these aspects.

The next day,the delegation of German Presidents visited BFSU andattended a conferencewith the vice president---Yan Guohua, the director of GermanDepartment---Wang Jianbin,and the director of ConfuciusInstitute Office---Gong Jing.

During the conference,the president Yanmainly introduced theconstructingfeature of the southern research institute of BFSU andthe campus in Hefei,and put forward the possibility and proposal of working together with German vocational schools through Confucius Institute. On this part,the delegation also longed for thecooperation with BFSU and appreciated the sustaining support that Hanban and BFSU had given to the visiting program.

In the afternoon,the delegation also visitedBeijingTransportation Vocational School and had a discussion onvocational education withleaders and teachers there.

31th October ,after visiting Hanban,the delegation took the high-speed railto Shanghai. The essentialpart of the exchange event in Shanghai was to attend the InternationalForum of Middle Vocational Education in Shanghai, held by Shanghai Electronic Information Vocational and Technical College.

To make the communication and cooperation more wider and deeper between China and Germany in vocational education, representatives from both sides signed the letter of intent on vocational education alliance between China and Germany. Besides, the delegation also visited two base schools built by Seidel Foundation in Shanghai.

E-Mail:zhongwen@bfsu.edu.cn     Telephone number:010-88817812/88816438     Fax number:010-88818140     Zip code:100089  Support by ITC

Address: School of Chinese Language and Literature, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2 North Xisanhuan Avenue, Haidian District, Beijing, China