In 2017 September 9-10, the Deutsche Zone Joint Meeting of Heads of Confucius Institutes was held in Munich. This meeting was organised by the National TCSL Office and executive organised by the Munich Confucius Institute. 35 Chinese and local heads of 19 Confucius Institutes in Germany and Austria attended this meeting. Mr. Yang Jin-cheng, head of the European Department, National TCSL Office, Madam Duan Li, head of the Financial Department, National TCSL Office, and Mr. Zhao Liang and Mr. Wang Wei-lin, two Project Officers from the European Department, National TCSL Office were present at the meeting.
On September 9th, Mr. Pallet, the Deutsche Counselor from Munich Confucius Institute, together with all delegates of the meeting, learned and got an understanding of the China-Deutsche High Level Communication and Dialogue Mechanism. They discussed financial issues and the promotion of Primary and High School TCSL Teaching in the afternoon.
On September 10th, delegates of the meeting held a discussion about 2018 application for Confucius Institute Scholarships; suggestions and solutions were made.
This meeting resulted in good communication between Deutsche Confucius Institutes and the Confucius Institute Headquarter.